Equipment Perks

You can further enhance your tools and weapons through Equipment Perks that influence how you operate or utilize your chosen Equipment in which you have developed Training. Your Equipment Perks will serve as a reflection of your ability to handle your Weapons and Armors by altering their effects and practical uses both in battle and while exploring. Equipment Perks are limited by your chosen Equipment Training and Class Abilities selected with each Rank up and can also require another Perk before becoming accessible.

Melee Weapon Perks

Melee Ascendant

Prerequisite: Any Melee Weapon

Increase your Weapon Scale with all Melee Weapons by One(1).

Melee Weapon Training

Prerequisite: Any Melee Weapon

You may place your Equipment Rank into any Melee Weapon during a Level up, regardless of your Class Equipment List.

Heavy Blow

Prerequisite: Any Melee Weapon

You can reduce your Attack Roll by minus One(-1) to increase a potential Damage Roll by plus Two(+2) with any Melee Weapon. In addition, you can utilize Heavy Blow multiple times in a single Attack Roll. However, you must declare Heavy Blow before the results of your Attack Roll.

Vice Grip

Prerequisite: Any Two(2) Handed Melee Weapon

You can wield a Two(2) Handed Melee Weapon with One(1) Hand when equipped to your Main Weapon Slot. Doing so will reduce your Power Attribute Bonus to Melee Weapon Damage to your Full Power Attribute, down from One & a Half (1 ½) of your Power Attribute.

Dual Fang

Prerequisite: Dual Wield(Combat Perk) & Light Weapon 

You do not suffer a Dual Wielding Penalty to your Off-hand Attack Rolls made with a Light Melee Weapon. 

Knife In The Dark 

Prerequisite: Light Weapon & Stealth Class Ability

Your successful Attacks made with Light Melee Weapons from Stealth will bypass a Target's Damage Resistance of any kind.

Martial Lunge

Prerequisite: Blade or Polearm Weapon

You can perform a Sidestep to be Adjacent to your Target as a part of a Melee Weapon Attack with a Blade or Polearm Weapon. 

Opening Thread

Prerequisite: Parry Training(Combat Perk) & Blade Weapon

A successful Parry with a Blade Weapon causes your Target to lose their Equipment Bonus to their Physical Armor until they take a Move Action.

Decisive Strike

Prerequisite: Opening Thread

Whenever you successfully Parry an incoming Melee Weapon Attack, you may attempt a Melee Weapon Attack as a Free, Immediate Action.

Overhead Smash 

Prerequisite: Hammer or Warhammer Weapon

Your Critical Hits with Hammer or Warhammer Weapons will require your Target to pass a Physical Save against your Attack Roll or become knocked  Prone.

Throwing Weight

Prerequisite: Hammer or Warhammer Weapon

You can take a Sidestep as a part of a Melee Weapon Attack with a Hammer or Warhammer Weapon. Your Sidestep occurs after the results of your Attack Roll. 


Prerequisite: Dual Wield(Combat Perk) & Fist Weapon

You do not suffer a Dual Wielding Penalty to your Off-hand Attack Rolls made with a Fist Melee Weapon.

Open Palm

Prerequisite: Fist Weapon

You gain a plus Five(+5) bonus to your Maneuvers while your Hands are empty.

Defensive Posturing

Prerequisite: Polearm or Staff Weapon

As a Reaction to a Creature taking a Sidestep to move Adjacent to you, you can take a Sidestep away from the Creature. This movement can not trigger an Attack of Opportunity.

Mount Slayer

Prerequisite: Polearm or Greatblade Weapon

Your Melee Weapon Attacks Targeted at a Mount or Vehicle also register a Critical Hit on a Roll of Nine(9).

Break Check

Prerequisite: Mount Slayer

Your Critical Hits against Mounts or Vehicles will require the rider to make a Drive Ability Check against your Attack Roll, or they are thrown from their Mount or Vehicle and knocked Pronely.


Prerequisite: Polearm Weapon & Any Shield 

You can perform Two(2) Handed Polearm Attacks even with a Shield equipped in your Off-hand.

Wide Arc

Prerequisite: Greatblade or Warhammer Weapon

Your successful Two(2) Handed Melee Weapon Attacks inflict Minimum Damage on any Creatures Adjacent to your Target.

Battle Staff

Prerequisite: Staff Weapon

Your Off-hand remains Free while wielding a Staff Weapon. 

Pole Vault

Prerequisite: Staff Weapon & Acrobatics Class Ability

When performing an Acrobatics Ability Check to Jump with a Staff Weapon Equipped, Double(2*) your Vertical Distance.

Ranged Weapon Perks

Ranged Ascendant

Prerequisite: Any Ranged Weapon

Increase your Weapon Scale with all Ranged Weapons by One(1).

Ranged Weapon Training

Prerequisite: Any Ranged Weapon

You may place your Equipment Rank into any Ranged Weapon during a Level up, regardless of your Class Equipment List.

Lethal Intent

Prerequisite: Any Ranged Weapon

You can reduce your Attack Roll by minus One(-1) to increase a potential Damage Roll by plus Two(+2) with any Ranged Weapon. You can utilize Lethal Intent multiple times in a single Attack Roll. You must declare Lethal Intent before the results of your Attack Roll.

Rapid Reload

Prerequisite: Any Ranged Weapon

You reduce the amount of time it takes you to Reload a Ranged Weapon by a single stage. For example, a Two(2) Handed Ranged Weapon can be Reloaded as a Standard Action, down from a Full Action, and a One(1) Handed Ranged Weapon can be Reloaded as a Move Action.

Tight Shot

Prerequisite: Any Ranged Weapon

You no longer suffer a Penalty to your Attack Roll for attempting a Ranged Weapon Attack against an Adjacent Target. However, you still provoke an Attack of Opportunity when making a Ranged Weapon Attack against an Adjacent Target.  

Point Blank

Prerequisite: Tight Shot

Your Ranged Weapon Attacks made against Adjacent Targets inflict additional Damage equal to Half(½) of your Skill Attribute.


Prerequisite: Sidearm or Handcannon Weapon

You Threaten Adjacent Spaces while you have a Sidearm or Handcannon Weapon Equipped.


Prerequisite: Sidearm or Handcannon Weapon

Your One(1) Handed Ranged Weapon Attacks no longer provoke an Attack of Opportunity from Adjacent Targets.

Quick Draw

Prerequisite: Sidearm or Handcannon Weapon

You begin any Combat with a One(1) Handed Ranged Weapon Equipped.

Gun Twirl

Prerequisite: Quick Draw

You always Act during an Ambush. Therefore, your 'Quick Draw' Weapon is always fully loaded.

Precision Shooter

Prerequisite: Rifle or Longarm Weapon

Your Two(2) Handed Ranged Weapon Attacks ignore any circumstantial bonuses to Armor granted by Cover.

Broadside Of A Barn

Prerequisite: Rifle or Shotgun Weapon

You gain a plus Three(+3) to your Ranged Weapon Damage for each Size Category your Target is Larger than you.

Burst Fire

Prerequisite: Rifle or Chaingun Weapon

You can make an Off-hand Ranged Weapon Attack as though you were Dual Wielding while equipped with a Two(2) Handed Ranged Weapon. However, Off-hand Ranged Attacks still consume Ammo.

AT Rifling

Prerequisite: Longarm Weapon

Your Longarm Weapon Attacks gain Armor Penetration equal to your Full Skill Attribute.

Spread Buster

Prerequisite: Shotgun Weapon

Your Shotgun Ranged Weapon Attacks gain a Splash Radius of One(1).

Blast Back

Prerequisite: Shotgun or Chaingun Weapon

Your Critical Hits with Shotgun or Chaingun Weapons will Knockback your Target One(1) Space away from you.

High-Velocity Propellant

Prerequisite: Chaingun or Launcher Weapon

You no longer suffer a Penalty to your Ranged Attack Rolls when Attacking a Target with height advantage when using a Chaingun or Launcher Weapon.

Shaped Charges

Prerequisite: Launcher or Thrown Weapon

You can choose to exclude individual Creatures caught in your Splash Radius from harm. 

Implosion Canisters

Prerequisite: Launcher or Thrown Weapon

Your Splash Weapons no longer inflict Splash Damage. Instead, increase your Weapon Scale with Splash Weapons by their Splash Radius.


Heaving Throw

Prerequisite: Thrown Weapon

You can use Two(2) Hands to attempt a Thrown Weapon Attack, increasing your Ranged Weapon Damage by Half(½) of your Power Attribute.

Cast Weapon Perks

Cast Ascendant

Prerequisite: Any Cast Weapon

Increase your Weapon Scale with all Cast Weapons by One(1).

Cast Weapon Training

Prerequisite: Any Cast Weapon

You may place your Equipment Rank into any Cast Weapon during a Level up, regardless of your Class Equipment List.

Fatal Concentration

Prerequisite: Any Cast Weapon

You can reduce your Attack Roll by minus One(-1) to increase a potential Damage Roll by plus Two(+2) with any Cast Weapon. Fatal Concentration can be utilized multiple times in a single Attack Roll. You must declare Fatal Concentration before the results of your Attack Roll.

Æther Shedding

Prerequisite: Catalyst Weapon

Your Æthercite Catalyst Weapon Attacks gain Armor Penetration equal to your Focus Attribute.

Parlor Kinesis

Prerequisite: Catalyst Weapon

You gain a passive, gentle Telekinesis with Tiny-size or Smaller Unattended Objects within your Effective Catalyst Range. Objects can only be gently moved by you and can not be forcefully thrown or used to inflict harm. 

Tranquil Idol 

Prerequisite: Catalyst Weapon

While outside of Combat and under calm conditions, Double(2*) the Effective Range of your Æthercite Catalyst Weapon.


Prerequisite: Kit Weapon

You can freely wield a Kit Weapon while using both hands to Climb as a part of an Athletics Ability Check. 

Tape & Glue

Prerequisite: Kit Weapon

You can use Repair Actions to restore Hit Points to Organic Creatures at Half(½) effectiveness.

Digital Access

Prerequisite: Driver Weapon

You gain a plus Five(+5) bonus to your Rolls made to interact with Mechanical Creatures, Objects, or Devices when facilitating your Action through your Lumen Driver Weapon.

Tactile Relay

Prerequisite: Driver Weapon

You can instantly transfer large amounts of Data between your Lumen Driver Weapon and a Terminal by touch contact.

Quantum Encryption

Prerequisite: Matrix Weapon

Your Bound Machines gain a plus Five(+5) bonus to Force Saves made to resist a Miscognition or Possession Effect while within your Effective Matrix Range.

Waveform Trigonometry

Prerequisite: Matrix Weapon

Increase your Effective Matrix Range by plus Five(+5) when using your Matrix Controller to issue a new Command to a Bound Machine.

Hushed Injection

Prerequisite: Compound Weapon & Stealth Class Ability

Your Apothicine Ability Checks and Cast Weapon Attacks made from Stealth using a Compound Injector Weapon no longer incur a penalty to your Current Stealth Ability Check.

Just A Pinch

Prerequisite: Compound Weapon & Apothicine Class Ability

Increase your Healing Modifier by plus Five(+5) when using a Compound Injector Weapon to restore Hit Points.

Potent Poisons

Prerequisite: Compound Weapon

Increase your Poison Effects by One(1) when administered through your Compound Injector Weapon.

Armor Perks

Armor Training

Prerequisite: Any Armor or Shield

You may place your Equipment Rank into any Armor or Shield during a Level up, regardless of your Class Equipment List.

Extra Pockets

Prerequisite: Cloth or Light Armor

Increase your total Inventory Slots by plus Two(+2).


Prerequisite: Cloth or Light Armor & Stealth Class Ability

You can move up to your Full Speed while Stealthed, up from moving Half(½) Speed while Stealthed.


Prerequisite: Cloth or Light Armor

Your Armor gains Damage Resistance equal to your Equipment Rank against all sources of Slash/Pierce Damage.

Travel Light

Prerequisite: Cloth or Light Armor

Increase your Speed by plus One(+1) for every Two(2) unoccupied Inventory Slots you possess.

Barb & Bristle

Prerequisite: Heavy or Plate Armor

Whenever you are the Target of a Grapple Maneuver, inflict Five(5) stacks of Bleed on your Grappler. In addition, you can choose to inflict Five(5) stacks of Bleed on your Target in place of your Action when maintaining a Grapple.

Fitted Protection

Prerequisite: Heavy or Plate Armor

You no longer suffer Encumbrance while wearing Heavy or Plate Armor.

Indomitable Presence

Prerequisite: Heavy or Plate Armor & Intimidation Class Ability

You gain a plus Five(+5) bonus to Intimidation Ability Checks made to Taunt a Creature while wearing Heavy or Plate Armor. 

Thick Skin

Prerequisite: Heavy or Plate Armor 

Each point of Encumbrance you possess grants you a plus Two(+2) bonus to your Physical and Force Armors.

Bounding Disc

Prerequisite: Light Shield & Thrown Weapon

Whenever you use your Light Shield as a projectile for a Thrown Weapon Attack, on a success, the Shield rebounds off of your Target back to your position. You can catch the Shield as a Rapid Action; otherwise, it falls to your feet.

Breakaway Shield

Prerequisite: Light Shield

You can give your Shield the Broken Condition to Negate a Critical Hit or Sneak Attack against you as a Free Action.

Burden To Bear

Prerequisite: Heavy Shield

You no longer suffer Encumbrance while wearing a Heavy Shield.

Shielded Push

Prerequisite: Heavy Shield

You gain a plus Five(+5) bonus to Maneuvers made to Knockback your Target while you have a Heavy Shield Equipped.

Rapid Recharge

Prerequisite: Energy Shield

You can Recharge a Discharged Energy Shield as a Rapid Action, down from a Move Action.

Resilient Barrier

Prerequisite: Energy Shield

Your Energy Shield no longer Discharges when a Critical Hit strikes you. 

Elemental Perks


Prerequisite: Any Element

Whenever you inflict Elemental Damage, you can alter the damage to a different Trained Element.

Elemental Absorption

Prerequisite: Any Element

Whenever you reduce incoming Elemental Damage through Damage Resistance, restore the amount of Damage mitigated to your current Action Points.

Elemental Alignment

Prerequisite: Any Element

Select a single Trained Element. You gain a plus Ten(+10) bonus to Impacts and Saves made to interact with your chosen Element. You suffer a minus Five(-5) penalty to Impacts and Saves made to interact with any other Element. 

Elemental Ascendant

Prerequisite: Any Element & Any Weapon

Increase your Weapon Scale with any Weapon that inflicts Elemental Damage by One(1).

Elemental Proficiency

Prerequisite: Any Element

You may place your Equipment Rank into any Element Training during a Level up, regardless of your Class Equipment List.